A missile strike was fired on Zhytomyr

The State Special Communications Service confirmed a missile strike on Zhytomyr.

A missile strike was fired on Zhytomyr, Public. Zhytomyr reports. The fact that the missile strike was inflicted by Belarus was also confirmed by the State Special Communications Service.

Social networks began to report a missile strike from Belarus at the airport at about 17:00.

The journalists contacted the owner of the airport, Oleksiy Yanchuk, who stated that the airport was not damaged.

According to eyewitnesses, the explosion occurred near the Kiev highway.

“Zhytomyr residents are asked not to publish photos of the explosion on the Internet, so as not to help correct the actions of troops who fired a shell at Zhytomyr,” the journalists wrote.

Zhytomyr City Council has not yet announced the location of the explosion, but reported an air alert in the city and the need to hide in shelters.

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