Cindy Sheehan Protests Obama Nobel Prize

Cindy SheehanCindy Sheehan the famous anti-war activist has called President Obama’s speech that he gave when he received the Nobel piece prize as appalling, while demonstrating on the streets of Oslo about his new war strategy for Afghanistan.

Sheehan has said that the Obama strategy in Afghanistan is no different then the strategy the Bush administration implemented. Sheehan’s own son had been killed in the Iraq war in 2004.

Sheehan said to NRK said “I was appalled by the speech of Obama and the speech of the chairman of the Nobel Peace Committee because the speeches were telling us that the only way to peace is through war, and we have to reject that”.

See the video of her speech bellow
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Sheehan travelled to Oslo, to take part in a Piece Coalition rally against what she explained as “the Nobel Peace Prize Committee that gave the award to somebody who actually is escalating the violence in the Middle East”.

Sheehan’s was outraged by the fact that the Nobel piece prize can be given to a person who just recently announced that he will be sending a further 30,000 U.S troops into Afghanistan, with predictions of them coming back in July 2011 if the conditions on the ground is write.

Sheehan has said “How dare the committee give the Peace Prize, which will be forever known now as Peace Prize, to Obama? And how dare he accept it? How dare the committee legitimize the crimes and—the war crimes and other crimes of the Bush regime by rewarding Obama for continuing them?”

Sheehan has also said “I urge Obama not to send any more troops, and to start bringing them home, not in July of 2011 or 2012 or whenever but right now”.

Mr. Obama however did acknowledge the irony in him receiving the Nobel Peace prize when he announced that he will be sending more troops to Afghanistan in his speech in Oslo.
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