Covid-19 test of 14 thousand 933 people in Turkey was positive, 80 people died

In the last 24 hours, 281 thousand 242 covid-19 tests were carried out in Turkey, 14 thousand 933 people tested positive, 80 people died.

The Ministry of Health shared the Daily Coronavirus Table from the “” site.

Accordingly, 281 thousand 242 Kovid-19 tests were carried out in Turkey in the last 24 hours, 14 thousand 933 people tested positive, 80 people died, and the number of those who recovered was 18 thousand 537.

Among the population over the age of 18, the rate of those who received the second dose of vaccine was 85.28 percent, and the rate of those who received the first dose was 93.05 percent.

The amount of vaccine administered in Turkey so far has increased to 146 million 503 thousand 50 doses.

Osmaniye, Ordu, Amasya, Muğla, Kırklareli, Çanakkale, Eskişehir, Balıkesir, Manisa and Zonguldak were the 10 provinces with the highest rate of those over the age of 18 who had at least two doses of vaccine.

The provinces with the lowest rate of those who received at least two doses of vaccine were listed as Şanlıurfa, Batman, Siirt, Diyarbakır, Bingöl, Muş, Mardin, Bitlis, Ağrı and Elazığ.

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