Norway massacre ‘s Anders Breivik : My aim was to kill everybody

Norway massacre gunman Breicik : Self styled modern day crusader or insane ?
Norway massacre gunman Breicik : Self styled modern day crusader or insane ?

Norway massacre defendant Anders Behring Breivik told an Oslo court hi aims were ‘ to kill everybody ‘ on Utoya island massacre, not just 69, and to behead a former Norwegen prime minister.

Oslo / NationalTurk – ‘ I wanted to kill everybody,’ stated the 33-year-old right-wing extremist od Norway massacre told the Norwegen court in Oslo, adding he had first planned to kidnap former Norwegen prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and behead her while filming it.

Brundtland had already left the Labor Party’s youth camp on Utoya when Breivik arrived on July 22.

The far-right fanatic mentioned he was inspired by al-Qaida’s use of decapitation but noted that ‘ beheading is a traditional European death penalty.’

Norway massacre trial : the 4th day

‘ It was meant to be used as a very powerful psychological weapon,”‘ Breivik, the Norway massacre man stated.

Confessed mass killer of the infamous Norway massacre Breivik also claimed he wanted to bomb Norwegian royal palace if he could carry out his original plan for a terror attack. He wanted to build three bombs; one bomb for Oslo’s government district, second for the Labor Party’s office and a third target, possibly the royal palace, he stated in his maniacal fashion at the court, where media is allowed into.

The far-right fanatic has confessed to setting off a car bomb outside the government headquarters on July 22, and then opening fire at a Labor Party youth camp outside the capital. A total of 77 people were killed in Norway’s worst peacetime massacre.

There would be three car bombs, followed by a firearm-based action,” Breivik of Norway masacre stated, on the fourth day of the Norway massacre trial where he is the confessed suspect.

Questioned by prosecutors, Breivik said his original plan was to build three bombs. One would be placed at the government district and the second at the office of the governing Labor Party.

Breivik had several options for the third target.

Norway massacre : Breivik claims to have spared the Royal family

‘ I settled on the palace in a setting where the royal family wouldn’t be hurt,’ he stated. ‘ Most nationalists and cultural conservatives are supporters of the monarchy, including myself.’ Breivik said the three bombs would be followed by several shooting massacres, if he survived. He decided against multiple bombs because building one was “much more difficult than I thought.’ ‘When I reached a situation where it was impossible to make more than one bomb, it resulted in a strategy of one bomb and one shooting-based action,’ he admitted.

His preferred targets for the shooting massacre was an annual conference of Norwegian journalists or the Labor Party’s annual meeting. But he couldn’t get prepared in time, so he decided on striking against the summer retreat of the Labor Party’s youth wing.

The 33-year-old Norwegian continued his shocking statements and revelations that he had expected to be confronted by armed police when he left Oslo for Utoya island after his bomb killed 8 people. Breivik killed 69 people there, armed with a handgun and a rifle both named after Norse gods.

‘ I estimated the chances of survival as less than 5 %,’ he admitted.

Norway massacre gunman Breicik : Self styled modern day crusader or insane ?

Norway massacre killer Anders Breivik, who styles himself as a modern-day crusader, has confessed to the attacks but rejects criminal guilt, stating he was acting to protect Norway and Europe from Islam by targeting left-wing political forces he claims have betrayed the country by opening it up to immigration. On the fourth day of his trial in Oslo on terror charges, Breivik spoke at ease about Norway’s worst peacetime massacre, describing the victims at the youth camp as “traitors” and showing no sign of remorse.

‘ Militant nationalists are split in two,’ Anders Breivik claimed Thursday. ‘ One half says you should attack Muslims and minorities. The other half says you should attack elites, those who are responsible.’ The key issue of the trial is to establish whether he is criminally insane.

Norway massacre killer Breivik entered the Oslo district court for his 4th trial without the clenched-fist salute of right extremists he had used in previous hearings.

In his testimony, Breivik says he played the computer game ‘ Modern Warfare’ for 16 months starting in January 2010 to get a feel for how to use rifle sights.

Norway massacre : Breivik took sabbatical year to devote himself into computer games

Breivik said he decided already in 2006 to carry out what he expected to be a “suicide” operation. First he took a “sabbatical year” fully devoted to play another computer game, “World of Warcraft,” for 16 hours a day.

Breivik said that cutting off social contact for a full year helped him prepare for the attacks, but the game-playing was “pure entertainment. It doesn’t have anything to do with July 22.” Prosecutors challenged Breivik’s assertion that he decided on an attack already in 2006, noting that his preparations for the attacks started in 2009, when he created an agricultural firm to buy chemicals for explosives.

Showing no sign of remorse, Breivik calmly answers questions from prosecutors, except when they ask about the alleged anti-Muslim ‘ Knights Templar ‘ network he claims to belong to. Prosecutors say they don’t believe it exists.

When Breivik smiled at one point during questioning Wednesday, Prosecutor Svein Holden asked him how he thought the bereaved watching the proceedings in court would react to that.

Breivik uses the Norway massacre trial as a stage to avoid an insanity ruling

“They probably react in a natural way, with horror and disgust,” Breivik laughed.  He smiled because he knew where Holden was going with his line of questioning and whole Norway and the world are witness how Breivik turns the Norway massacre trial into a show scene.

The main point of his defense is to avoid an insanity ruling, which would deflate his political arguments. He repeatedly accuses prosecutors of trying to “ridicule” him by highlighting portions of a rambling, 1,500-page manifesto he posted before the attacks.

In it and in a shortened version he read to the court on Tuesday he said the “Knights Templar” will lead a revolt against “multiculturalist” governments around Europe, with the aim of deporting Muslims.

If found sane, Breivik could face a maximum 21-year prison sentence or an alternate custody arrangement that would keep him locked up as long as he is considered a menace to society. 21 years is the maximum prison sentence in Norway where there is no death penalty.  If declared insane, Breivik would be committed to psychiatric care for as long as he’s considered a maniac.

Norway massacre trial is expected to last 10 weeks.

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