Reduce risk of dementia: These foods and nutrients are particularly healthy for your brain

You can keep your brain fit through your diet. If you want to reduce your risk of dementia, there are some foods that you can incorporate into your diet. Here is a list of the most important nutrients.

Alzheimer’s disease: 1.6 million people in Germany suffer from dementia
Food can reduce risk: Certain nutrients are important for the brain
A healthy diet makes the difference: fruit, vegetables – but also a glass of red wine

In Germany, around 1.6 million people suffer from dementia, most of them due to Alzheimer’s. The forecasts see an upward trend. At a conference of the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of cases was estimated at around 150 million in 2050 – three times as many as in the current situation. But with the right combination of nutrients, it should be possible to counteract the brain disorder.

Reduce risk of dementia: These nutrients are particularly important for your brain

Alzheimer’s research assumes that a targeted and conscious diet has a strong influence on the development of our brain. Of course, there is no specific recipe that helps against dementia. Still, certain foods can help with prevention.

Although our brain makes up only a fraction of our body weight, it accounts for about 20 percent of our energy needs. The ideal diet to reduce the risk of dementia consists of various components.

Nutrient combination to prevent dementia:

Secondary plant substances: The polyphenols ensure better blood flow in the brain and are intended to counteract dementia

Vitamins C and E: high doses of these antioxidant vitamins are said to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

“Nerve” vitamins from the B group, especially B6, B12 and folic acid (B9): Deficiencies in these vitamins are associated with memory problems and an early stage of Alzheimer’s dementia

Omega-3 fatty acids: The fatty acids are said to have a positive effect on the brain and improve memory and everyday skills

New techniques in research: detecting dementia 20 years in advance

Research into dementia has been going on for a long time. New techniques say it’s possible to detect the disease 20 years before it breaks out. Other studies believe that dementia can be read from the eyes. The new methods are controversial.

However, the warning signals are clear and scientifically proven.

These vitamins, nutrients, and foods can lower your risk of dementia:

  1. Polyphenols (plant substances): Tea, coffee and vegetables help against dementia

In addition to water, which we should drink enough of every day, we should also have two to three cups of coffee, black or green tea. The polyphenols it contains stimulate blood circulation in the brain. The secondary plant substance is also contained in red wine. Here, too, a glass in the evening is fine.

It is obvious – the secondary plant substances are also found in vegetables. Since secondary plant substances bring the color to the vegetables, it is advisable to eat colorful food in order to get a bit of everything. As for the amount: The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends three servings of vegetables per day. One serving (400 grams) is about the amount of vegetables that fits in the palm of your hand. Aside from the few calories, vegetables are high in polyphenols and the brain-friendly folic acid.

  1. Vitamin C: Dark berries are said to protect against Alzheimer’s

Vitamin C reduces plaque formation in our vessels, which is considered a risk factor for dementia. Fresh fruit should be included in every diet. Here, too, the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends that two meals of 250 grams each are best.

According to the DGE, sea buckthorn berries (juice), peppers, black currants and parsley (all offer over 100 milligrams per 100 grams of vitamin C) contain a lot of vitamin C. However, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lemon, kiwi and lychee also work.

  1. B-group “nerve” vitamins: Beans, peas and lentils help the brain cells

Legumes contain plenty of natural B vitamins, folic acid and polyphenols for the brain. B vitamins are healthy and stimulate communication between cells and each other. They increase the performance of the brain and protect against memory disorders.

As an alternative to beans, peas, lentils and the like, tofu schnitzel, falafel or hummus can also be used. The vitamins are also included here.

  1. Whole grain: Reduce the risk of dementia with the brain food par excellence
    Whole grain products contain a lot of dietary fiber. The complex carbohydrates help to keep the blood sugar level constant and thereby increase the ability to concentrate. The amino acids it contains, such as methionine, have also proven to be particularly valuable for healthy brain function.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids: Oil for a fit brain – reduce the risk of dementia
    Omega-3 fatty acids are among the “good fats”. They are said to protect against cardiovascular diseases and improve metabolism. But the fats are also supposed to help against dementia. Omega-3 increases the performance of the brain and helps us with our daily processes. Top omega-3 suppliers include flaxseed oil, chia seeds, and walnuts. You can find a detailed list of ten healthy foods that contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids here.

All of the foods mentioned can be combined into wonderful recipes and thus contribute in a delicious way to reducing the risk of dementia. So you can do something for your physical and mental fitness at the same time.

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