US DEA Reviews Mexico Anti-Drug Cooperation

Mexico Drug War : Us Dea and Mexico police against drug cartels
Mexico Drug War : Us Dea and Mexico police against drug cartels

The administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Michele Leonhart, stated the agency is reviewing the cooperation with Mexico in the fight against drug cartels and crime.

Michele Leonhart and Mexico Security Secretary Genaro Garcia Luna assessed the exchange of information between their two agencies, in accordance with bilateral agreements on security issues.

This joint work of Mexico and US forces “has proved successful in fighting criminal gangs, drug cartels, transfer or smuggling of weapons, drugs, foreign currency and all kind of threats against the two countries,” the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) note states.

Mexico Drug War : Us Dea and Mexico police against drug cartels and gangs

The meeting of the DEA administrator with Mexican security authorities ocurred when opposition parties and civil organizations are questioning the transparency of the U.S. aid in fight against mexican drug cartels.Those groups criticize the mechanisms of cooperation the United States has provided to fight drugs, an action described by them as a sole duty of the sovereign Mexican government.

Last week, high officials reported to the Us Congress about this collaboration, stating that it does not violate Mexican laws, because U.S. agents participate here in the exchange of information on Mexico drug war.


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