Capital Gap:Barclays Bank needs 5.8 billion pounds of financial market / UK News

The letter "B" of the signage on the Barclays headquarters in Canary Wharf is hoisted up the side of the building in London

The British banking giant Barclays wants to cram with a capital of 5.8 billion pounds a part of its seven-billion pound financial gap. Barclays boss Antony Jenkins also wants to increase the capital base with division sales and reduce risk.

Seven billion pounds large is the capital gap, the UK’s Financial PRA has recently been identified in the United Barclays Bank – now the Bank is responding. With multi-billion dollar capital measures Barclays boss Antony Jenkins wants to plug the hole. A capital increase to 5.8 billion pounds, the equivalent of 6.7 billion euros to contribute, the bank said on Tuesday. “Once we have thoroughly examined all the options, we decided to react quickly and determined,” Jenkins said.

Accordingly, the shareholders have the right to one new share for four old pence for 185 shares. This represents a significant discount of 40 percent to the closing price of Monday evening. So that their interests are not diluted, shareholders will receive a purchase right first. In addition, the sale of convertible bonds in the amount of two billion pounds is provided. For Jenkins, the capital is so far the biggest setback since the end of August 2012, he assumed leadership of the bank.

Barclays and other European banks have to increase pressure on the supervisors their buffer. The tougher capital rules to prevent the institutions must be re-run into trouble and rescued with taxpayers’ money. In June, the overseer had spoken on the island with five major banks of a financial gap of 27 billion pounds. In addition to Barclays affected the Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds especially. The government in London had the financial crisis will have to take several banks with a total of 66 billion pounds. The busy today on the state budget.

Barclays Chart zeigen teilte zudem mit, im ersten Halbjahr 2013 auf einen um Sondereffekte bereinigten Vorsteuergewinn von knapp 3,6 Milliarden Pfund gekommen zu sein. Das entspricht einem Rückgang von 17 Prozent. Das Management betonte, angesichts des Geschäftsumfelds vorsichtig zu bleiben. Das Unternehmen legte weitere zwei Milliarden Pfund für mehrere Vertriebsskandale zurück, deutlich mehr als erwartet.

Die Aktien der Bank sind nach der angekündigten Kapitalerhöhung der mit Abstand größte Verlierer im Stoxx Europe 50 Chart zeigen gewesen. Am Vormittag verloren die Aktien des britischen Finanzhauses zuletzt mehr als vier Prozent.

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