Hamas and the Ceasefire: their bluff is called / Breaking News


Egypt and Israel have jointly developed a concept for a ceasefire – Hamas was left out. With their demands, the militia has speculated.

The Israeli government agreed to the cease-fire on Tuesday morning about it. Your submission of the proposal for discussion Egypt. It provides for a ceasefire. In addition, to be negotiated on the importation of goods and people in the blockaded Gaza Strip. Within 48 hours after the entry into force of the ceasefire Egypt wants to receive high-ranking Palestinian and Israeli delegations to conduct indirect negotiations.

Have sent Cairo and Jerusalem Hamas maneuvered into a difficult position. No matter what the radicals do now, they can only lose.

If they still to the Egyptian proposal, none of the conditions might be fulfilled, which they make for a ceasefire: an easing of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the release of hundreds of Hamas members, Israel has recently arrested.

Hamas rejects the ceasefire further, she stands as a lone aggressor. It was just the international pressure on Israel increased, to end the bombing. Finally, around 80 percent of the fatalities are civilians in Gaza. According to UN data 178 Palestinians have been killed by Monday afternoon. 1361 were injured, including 400 children. In Israel, no one has yet been killed by the war.

The Israeli army could now begin its bombing again at any time – supported by the argument that Hamas is not ready to end the violence.

It took only a few hours until Palestinian militants on Tuesday responded to the approval of the ceasefire by the Israeli government: with rocket salvos, fired towards Israel. The TV was to see how the Israeli missile shield intercepted several storeys above the port city of Ashdod. In other parts of southern Israel sounded the warning sirens.

Quite agree, Hamas is clearly about their course anyway not yet. A senior official announced that the final decision had not been taken yet on the Egyptian proposal. “We are still deliberating,” Moussa Abu Marzouk posted on Facebook. He is currently a member in Cairo.

Hamas – Israel Ceasefire:Hamas has gambled himself

The Islamists have verpokert itself. For great were their political demands. Now it is difficult for them, which move away again. It also also lack a negotiating partner who could help in the search for compromise. Because Egypt is also party to the conflict in the war.

Egyptian President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi has declared Hamas a public enemy. Since its takeover on 1 July 2013 he left the Egyptian border crossing to seal off Gaza and destroy Palestinian smuggling tunnels. So he makes Hamas, but also the people of Gaza life difficult. A condition of Hamas for a ceasefire therefore also aimed at Cairo: Egypt to open its border again.

The Egyptian proposal that the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” published, envisages a situation as it presented itself after the war in 2012: “As soon as the security situation on the ground stable” was “Border crossings are reopened” should. In other words, Hamas would get further not guarantee open borders. Israel and Egypt could open and close them at will. For the people of Gaza an intolerable situation.

But what is the way out of the tricky situation? Ultimately, the war will probably actually terminated by a return to the conditions of 2012, believes the security policy U.S. think tank Crisis Group, in an analysis released Monday. The only question was how much blood must flow before.

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