New “Tonight Show” Premiere: US media celebrating Talk debut of Jimmy Fallon / Breaking News


“As a young doctor, who takes over the practice of a gerontologist.” Jimmy Fallon’s debut as host of the “Tonight Show” was well received by the US media. Tenor: He kanns! However, time and again fell the fatal N-word – Fallon was just simply nice.

Jimmy Fallon has brought his debut as the new host of the “Tonight Show” behind. On the night of Tuesday, the talk show host presented the legendary NBC show for the first time. He had taken over from his predecessor, Jay Leno, who was 22 years her host.

For his debut he had invited an impressive star cast. Breitbandsympath Will Smith sat down as the first guest to him. The band U2 was playing on the roof of the 70-story Rockefeller building, Robert De Niro, Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga, Mike Tyson, Mariah Carey, Seth Rogen and Sarah Jessica Parker and more had performances. As a gag, most guests brought with them a hundred dollars. She was placed with Fallon that he would the “Tonight Show” never assume.

His Ehrfürchtigkeit before the big show was noted to him. “I’ll do my best and for a while on this show to watch,” promised the 39-year-old.

New Tonight Show:Not exactly a bang

The US media he could with his star cast and a solid and heartfelt performance ever convince a large extent . Jimmy Fallon could lie no better first evening , writes the “Hollywood Reporter” . He was a popular figure for the general public , which had the mission . “He insulted not , he’s cute , he’s happy, he does not take himself seriously, he made ​​fun of others without hurting them . ”

The ” New York Times ” was pleased with the rejuvenation of the show, ” Jimmy Fallon was like a freshly licensed physician , who takes over the practice of a retiring gerontologists ” . And also noticed how nice everyone was to each other , which is one of the secrets of the shipment. The debut was more sweet than sassy, ​​Fallon was just the ” class clown with top notes and a good heart.”

The ” Chicago Tribune ” was that the Fallon era is just starting out with a bang , but that a Fallon at its best ” its proven blend of old-fashioned courtesy, Pennäleralbernheit and an inexhaustible enthusiasm ” handed in , with which he and his audience , the Network Heads befriended Stars always enthusiastic.

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