Norwegian pardoned Scandal in Dubai:Marte Dalelv “I have fought for my life” / Breaking News

Dalelv smiles at her mother's house in Tonsberg

Marte Dalelv showed her own rape in Dubai and was sentenced to 16 months in prison. Under international pressure, it was finally pardoned.

These are the first hours in safety, the first day in the home. Since Wednesday in Dubai because of extramarital sex sentenced Marte Deborah Dalelv again Norwegian ground under their feet. Her mother Evelyn picked her up at Torp airport in Sandefjord, about a hundred kilometers south of Oslo.

Just under the Norwegian had previously escaped a 16-month prison sentence. Dalelv had a man appears for rape – and was finally sentenced by a court in Dubai itself. Worldwide, the case had provoked outrage; unusually clear to the Norwegian government intervened. At the end of the sentence was dropped.

“Since there were some certain external pressure. Pages of the Norwegian government, but also on the social networks. But that’s my personal opinion, no one has spoken to me about it.”

“My lawyer, an Egyptian who has lived in Dubai for 16 years, got a call from the prosecutor. We should arrive to us for a meeting the next day, there is something to discuss. So we are out there, my lawyer and I, and two friends and the Norwegian ambassador.”

“In recent months, I was always in contact with my family. Together we had actually decided that I should not contact the media. There was concern that this might adversely affect my process. That would be an example statuieren me.”

“then it could not get any worse anyway. So we decided that we would go to the public. My father told me: Marte, now you have to talk with everyone. So I did that. I fought for my life.”

“Police and the prosecutor told me that my case was very complicated and difficult to prove. I would never get through court order. No one would believe me. So I should take back my allegations, then it would be easier to close the case. I could then get out of Dubai. Even my former boss has the effect acting on me.

Dalelv had worked for an interior design company in Qatar since 2011. Also she was in Dubai for the company on the road – the man she accused of rape, is a colleague. After a ceremony in March, their representation of the things she had gone with him to the hotel by taxi. In drunk she had asked him to bring her to her room. Instead, they had landed but after some persuasion in his room, there was Dalelv finally asleep. In the morning it had come to the assault. ”

“it was a big mistake. But I just wanted to go home. Later, in court, I went on the advice of my defender returned to the original representation. That it was a rape.”

“I always had the feeling that he believes me. We had evidence, DNA material, even a witness. When the verdict came at the end, we were surprised.”

“Out of respect for his family. I just want to say that it comes from the Sudan – and nothing more. We had worked together previously and a half years. It is entirely his decision whether he is committed to this cause.”

“He was of course present at appointments process. But I have spoken to him since then nothing. He was indeed sentenced to 13 months in prison and pardoned later, as I do.”

“I was awakened by the rape, so to speak. Then someone was at the door, there was a knock, the colleague was on – and I’m just still ran off down to the reception. I told them: Call the police!”

“I had the impression that I think the police at any time. There came a loud strange questions about the sequence of events, technical things for sexual intercourse. And after I had made my statement, one of the policemen asked me: Did you call us, because it did not like?”

” That’s right. Even after my arrest I was exempted because of “inappropriate behavior”. And after the guilty one has finally released me. Of course that was a hard blow.”

” I have also read. I find that I need to discuss with my boss before I talk about it in public.”

” You know, when I was in Dubai, these people could do to me what they wanted. Of course, that was scary. But you must also be honest: that the emir pardoned a person even before she takes up her sentence, it has never been seen before. So of course I’m grateful that I did not go to jail. Then I would like to focus much. I prefer to be happy.”

” Again, I want to give you a diplomatic answer. There are so many places in the world that I have not seen yet. I would like to visit before theres ”

This shows that , no matter how muchthe buildings  a new an  muslim Arab country is always  Arab country. Western people, especially women,Even for  into tourist attractions and  dangerous.

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