Tightening the Right to Demonstrate: Turkey facilitates the use of firearms for police / Breaking News

Turkey Europe Kurdish Protests

Ankara reacted to the Gezi & Kurdish unrest: The Erdogan government wants to make it easier for the police to act with firearms against protesters. Even the criminal law should be strengthened.

The Turkish government wants to facilitate the use of firearms to the police at demonstrations and exacerbate the criminal law. As Turkish media reported on Tuesday, citing a government bill in Parliament, it shall be the officers may include:

The planned measures include a reaction of the State to the recent unrest Kurds in October, directed against the Turkish stance on Syria Conflict and where more than 40 people died. Critics accuse the Turkish government to limit the new powers to police the right to demonstrate.

The EU had criticized the partially brutality of the Turkish security forces against demonstrators after Gezi riots last year.

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