Who will be hit next by the Turkey Match-fixing Scandal ?

Who will be hit next by the Turkey Match-fixing Scandal
Who will be hit next by the Turkey Match-fixing Scandal ?

Turkey football is going through a rough period of time, since the match fixing scandal erupted 8 days ago, and resulted thus far in imprisonment and detainment of several high profile club chairmen, executives and managers.

8 days ago, as Fenerbahce president, one of the key figures in turkish football and head of one of the biggest sports clubs, had been detained, many more names followed his detainment and the football lover country fell in dissarray. Aziz Yildirim’s arrest by turkish court was a bigger blow for Turkey agenda, it really showed the implications and seriousness of the match fixing probe in Turkey.

Turkish Football Federation : Second wave of the match-fixing probe in Turkey ?

Today following the detainment of Trabzonspor president Sadri Sener the former head of Turkey Football Federation, Mahmut Ozgener joined  the ranks of detained suspects, who were tracked and watched by police, thus opening the ” second wave of match-fixing probe ”, a name given by the media.

The very same turkish media discusses now the number of waves the Turkey match fixing probe can hold. Last weeks shocking police raids had been focused mainly on sports clubs, their executives and presidents, thus the so called first wave has involved the club administrations.

” The second wave ” of match fixing probe probably will involve The Turkish Football Federation, starting with the detainment of its former head.

How can the Turkey match-fixing probe continue ?

A next wave can focus upon the media, a fourth can be expected on referees which is a highly disputed issue in the football crazed country.

It is speculated that the match fixing probe scandal in Turkey will jump  to the betting sector at a later stage, many claim that betting and sportsbookies effected the football in a negative way.

Footballers and managers will be the final wave of the match fixing probe, the circle of the probe will be closed and a clean football can be expected.

John Steele for NationalTurk


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Turkey, Turkey Football, Turkey Match Fixing Scandal, Turkey Match Fixing Probe, Turkey Football Federation, Turkey Referees, Turkish Media, Trabzonspor, Fenerbahce, Match Fixing Arrest Match Fixing Fenerbahce Match Fixing

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