
Tensioner problem: Japan’s police is searching for shoes with mini cameras / Strange News

Adolescent Girls Walking Past Stores

The technique is as simple as perfidious: In Shoes integrated cameras are Japanese men allow the secret look under skirts. The prefecture of Kyoto will now stop this practice.

Japan is a high-tech country and it is not surprising that it is also very far in terms of modern footwear front. But what is boffins have come up with here, is slowly becoming a real problem.

As the newspaper “Mainichi Shimbun” reported are already more than a thousand Japanese shoes bought in which are hidden mini cameras that can be controlled by remote control. The purpose of the men’s toy: You can use it secretly film under skirts in public.

Now bring the Prefecture of the old imperial city of Kyoto to strike against the bad habit from: men who had bought with the camera provided transgressors were asked to return them voluntarily. “The only way to stop the clandestine photography is, to eradicate the equipment,” said a senior official in Kyoto.

For sellers – an online merchant – the police had a list of customers ensured with about 1,500 names. Overall, to have been sold on the website about 2500 pairs. The police searched each of the customers at home and talked to his conscience.

The action apparently was successful – almost all shoes have been collected, a police spokesman said. Shelled out the buyer had 30,000 yen, the equivalent of 215 euros. The operators of the Porn website where the shoes were sold, had to pay a fine.

In July, had been briefly detained because they are said to have favored or operated secret Photographing in Kyoto until a seller and a customer. They both had to pay a fine of 500,000 yen each, about 3600 euros to pay.

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