
Commuter Train in Perth: Passengers tilt car and free trapped man / Breaking News


Wednesday morning in Perth, Australian commuters provide an example of teamwork. Because a man with one leg stuck between the train and platform, passengers unceremoniously dumped the car a bit to the side.

At Stirling railway station in Perth, Australia, they are still a little stunned. “This is something we have never experienced,” said Clarie Krol. She is spokesperson for the railway company Trans Perth. And they said the collective effort that helped with the Australian commuters on Wednesday morning a man in need.

Thus, the man was involved in a five centimeter narrow gap between car and platform when boarding a commuter train with a purpose. “He stood in the door and was about to take his position because he slipped,” said a spokesman for the ABC Australia. The man was stuck.

A passenger on a commuter railroad near Perth, Australia, was rescued by his fellow passengers after he slipped and got his leg caught in the gap between the train door and the platform — and the entire scene was caught on video.

“He stood in the doorway and as he was sort of taking up his position there, one leg slipped outside the door, slipped outside the gap and he was stuck,” Transperth spokesman David Hynes told ABC Australia.

Hynes said the driver was told not to move the train as passengers and staff got to work.


“Then our staff who were there at the time got the passengers, and there were lots of them, off the train, and organized them to sort of rock, tilt the train backwards away from the platform so they were able to get him out and rescue him.”

Watch the video, above, to see a perfect example of how a little teamwork can save the day.

Eyewitnesses Posts were images of the incident on Twitter. It is seen as the man stuck with his entire thigh between platform and train – in front of the “Mind the Gap” sign (approximately: Beware the gap between the platform and the train door).

First tried the passengers who sat in the train, their weight to shift so that the wagon tipped to the side. Without success, the man was also held.

The passengers were asked to get out. Around 50 passengers lined up on the platform. By joining forces, they braced themselves against the train – and managed to topple him. The trapped man was freed. “It was lucky that personnel on site and was heard all passengers not only on the instructions, but have also helped,” said spokeswoman Krol.

The accident was not injured commuters. “He could run,” said an eyewitness to the portal “Perth Now”. Nevertheless, he was examined by paramedics as a precaution – and could then take a later train.

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