
German government declaration with tumult

In the Bundestag, Chancellor Merkel defended the strict line of the federal and state governments on the corona restrictions. It was interrupted by massive heckling - a tumultuous debate.

When Angela Merkel goes back to her seat on the government bench, she takes a deep breath and briefly closes her eyes. It has had a turbulent 25 minutes. Loud heckling – tumult in the ranks of the AfD. Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble had to intervene and call for order. The Chancellor looks exhausted.

After the tough Corona resolutions yesterday with the Prime Minister and the criticism, Merkel knows exactly: Now is the time to explain: “The measures we are taking now are appropriate, necessary and proportionate. If we instead would wait until the intensive care units are full, then it would be too late! ”

Warnings and Appeals

Preventing a health emergency, containing the virus – the Chancellor warns, appeals, thanks again, citizens and parliamentarians. And makes it clear: a critical debate about the measures decided is right and important. She sees this as a sign of an open society, says Merkel, and: “Lies and disinformation, conspiracies and hatred not only damage the democratic debate, but also the fight against the virus.”

AfD: Dramatization of the situation

AfD parliamentary group leader Alexander Gauland does not want to let that sit on himself and his party. He accuses the Chancellor of dramatizing the crisis: “Fear is a bad advisor. The daily bombardment of the number of infections is apparently intended to scare people,” says Gauland, and speaks of a “kind of war propaganda”.

People die in car traffic, too, is Gauland’s comparison – and there are rules instead of banning all car traffic. Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus bursts the collar: “Mr. Gauland, you say life is not so important … tell someone who has lost a close relative.”

FDP warns, SPD agrees, Greens criticize

There is a special atmosphere in the Bundestag. It is clear to everyone: there is a lot at stake. FDP boss Christian Lindner warns that the new Corona rules are not constitutional – and acceptance among citizens is dwindling: “So what happens if the number of cases increases again after the Christmas holidays? Then there is also the threat of the third wave in January third lockdown, and then later the fourth wave and fourth lockdown? ”

But what is sustainable in the long term? In any case, the SPD stands behind the contact restrictions imposed by the federal and state governments, faction leader Rolf Mützenich makes clear: “The balance between necessary interventions and assistance has been preserved.”

For the Greens, the new unity between the federal and state governments comes almost too late – after too much confusion so far, parliamentary group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt criticizes: “So the infection crisis has also turned into a crisis of confidence. And this must now be remedied, with great force and determination and togetherness. ”

And the chancellor? She sits – with a mask – in her seat with the raised backrest, listens – and knows: In two weeks she will again be exchanging ideas with the country leaders to assess the drastic corona restrictions. Whether the November experiment will be successful or not is completely open.


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