
Putin operated for ‘advanced cancer: ‘The end is near’ for Russian president, US intelligence says

According to information from American intelligence, Vladimir Putin received treatment for “advanced stage” cancer in April.

Vladimir Putin’s state of health has been at the heart of many rumors since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. However, according to Newsweek, a report compiled by American intelligence claims that the Russian president was treated for “advanced cancer” in April.

The American magazine anonymously quotes three senior officials within American intelligence, “in three different agencies”: one working within the office of the Directorate of National Intelligence (DNI), one within the Defense Intelligence Agency ( DIA) and a former Air Force officer.

“Everyone feels that the end is near”

One of these sources is clear: “Everyone feels that the end is near”. The latter claims that Vladimir Putin has been followed by oncologists for two years”, and that “the April operation was under local anesthesia in the abdomen”, which suggests that the head of the Kremlin would have suffered ” of pancreatic cancer.”

According to US intelligence, this weakening of Putin makes him more unstable, but paradoxically lowers the risk of a nuclear conflict. In short, the chain of command would no longer be ready to blindly follow the Russian president. His condition also points to an imminent succession, which would have led to an assassination attempt in March, according to Newsweek’s sources, who do not specify whether it was an internal plot or not.


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