Europe News

NationalTurk for Europe news, videos, and the latest top Europe stories in world news, business, politics, health and pop cultureNationalTurk for Europe news, videos, and the latest top Europe stories in world news, business, politics, health and pop culture

Greece allows same-sex marriage

Greece is the first Christian Orthodox country to allow marriage between homosexual couples. "Today is a day of joy," said…


Alfred Grosser dies

The German-French political scientist and journalist Alfred Grosser is dead. This was announced by his family. Accordingly, Grosser died in…


Eighty commuters stuck on trains for hours in the cold

Eighty commuters were stuck on a train in Bruges for hours on Friday morning due to a broken coupling.


Suspect of Weideveen double murder brought to trial. ‘A terrible drama’

He will be told whether he will remain in pre-trial detention for another two weeks. The residents of the Drenthese…


Murder alarm in the Innviertel

Son is said to have stabbed his father in Obernberg


Body parts had been lying in the water in the Marchfeld Canal for a long time

The body parts that were found in Vienna’s Marchfeld Canal had been in the water for a long time. Police…


France’s government resigns

The French centrist government of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne has resigned. This was announced by the presidential palace in Paris…


Scandal! King Charles III is increasingly in distress

It is his younger brother who is involved in the abuse scandal involving US businessman Jeffrey Epstein, who died in…


Germany: Fire in hospital – several dead

A fire breaks out in a hospital in Lower Saxony. Several patient rooms are affected and four people die.


Ban on activities for Hamas and Samidoun in Germany

Faeser announced that Samidoun would also be dissolved. The militant Islamist Hamas organization and the Palestinian network Samidoun will no…


Paris police shoot woman after threatening explosion

She shouted "Allahu Akbar," then threatened to blow herself up: In Paris, police officers fired eight shots at a fully…


EU wants to call for “humanitarian breaks” in the Gaza Strip

But now a weaker compromise appears to have been found for the planned final declaration. The heads of state and…


Shipwreck in the North Sea

The accident occurred between the islands of Helgoland and Langeoog. The accident command assumes that one of the ships sank.…


“Letzte Generation” is planning more mass blockades

The “Last Generation” wants to find new ways to advocate for more climate protection. When asked by t-online, a spokeswoman…


Germany and EU stop aid to Palestinians

All aid would be put to the test, it was said. Germany is also suspending all payments for the time…

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